Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral discs of degenerative-dystrophic nature, and the cervical spine is the most vulnerable part of the spine, which has an anatomically different structure from very closely spaced vertebrae and a weak muscle corset. Therefore, even with slight additional stress on the neck, a displacement of the vertebrae can occur, which leads to a compression of blood vessels and nerves.
And since the vertebral arteries, involved in supplying blood to the brain, pass through the holes in the transverse processes of the vertebrae in this section, pinching the vertebrae in this section or squeezing the holes by overgrown osteophytes is fraught with very serious consequences.
What is it?
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a polyetiologically progressive disease that manifests itself through degeneration of the intervertebral discs and dystrophy of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine.
Causes of occurrence
The main causes and conditions for the appearance of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae are:
- Curvature of the spine, scoliosis.
- Stress, nervous tension negatively affect the general condition of the body, can cause cervical osteochondrosis.
- Postponed infectious diseases often become the cause.
- Incorrect, uncomfortable posture while sleeping (e. g. an uncomfortable pillow).
- Congenital problems or the presence of hereditary diseases of the cervical spine.
- Bad posture at young and adolescent years.
- Overweight, obesity to varying degrees. Extra pounds increase the load on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, which leads to degenerative processes.
- Back injuries that may have occurred during childhood or adolescence.
- Disruption of metabolic processes.
- Work related to physical labor that can provoke diseases of the spine in its various parts.
- Inactive lifestyle, sedentary work, improper execution of exercises.
For the successful treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, it is first necessary to establish and eliminate the cause of its occurrence, the conditions that triggered its development. Until recently, the disease only occurred in people over 45. Now young people are exposed to this, the age range is between 18 and 25 years.
Features of the cervical spine

Consider how the cervical spine differs from the rest of the spine and that when osteochondrosis develops, it is a prerequisite for the development of these syndromes.
- In the neck area there are important ganglia (nodes) of the autonomic nervous system.
- In the transverse processes of the vertebrae there are holes that form a channel through which the vertebral artery runs, which supplies the brain, the cerebellum, the auditory organs and also the vertebral nerve with oxygen and nutrients. These are requirements for frequent artery and nerve clips.
- The cervical spine is the most flexible. He is fully distinguished by all kinds of movements. These are prerequisites for frequent attacks and subluxations!
- The intervertebral foramen of the lower three vertebrae is triangular rather than round. These are prerequisites for damage to the nerve roots by bone growths that arise in osteochondrosis.
- The intervertebral discs do not lie between the vertebral bodies over their entire length. Instead, in the front part there are protruding edges of the vertebrae, which are connected to each other by joints.
Here are the key features we will build on and analyze the symptoms and complications of osteochondrosis.
Stages of development
The degree of osteochondrosis is determined by the clinical picture and the patient's complaints. The term degree should not be confused with the stages of osteochondrosis. The phases are discussed below.
- First degree. clinical manifestations are minimal, the patient may complain of low intensity pain in the cervical spine, which may worsen when turning the head. The physical exam may show slight tension in the neck muscles.
- Second degree. The patient is worried about pain in the cervical spine, its intensity is much greater, the pain can radiate into the shoulder or arm. Pain sensations increase when tilting and turning the head. The patient may notice decreased performance, weakness, headache.
- Third degree. the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are aggravated, the pain becomes constant with irradiation of the arm or shoulder. Numbness or weakness occurs in the arm muscles when herniated discs form (see Symptoms of a Herniated Disc in the Lumbar Spine). The examination shows limited mobility of the cervical spine, pain when palpating the cervical spine.
- Fourth degree. the intervertebral disc is completely destroyed and replaced by connective tissue. Dizziness increases, tinnitus occurs, incoordination.
The severity of symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis depends on the degree of destruction of the vertebral structures. Symptoms are aggravated by the growth of bone tissue with the formation of osteophytes, radicular syndrome (radicular pain when pinching a nerve), intervertebral hernia (protrusion of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal).
The first signs of the disease are periodic headaches in the back of the head, neck pain, crunching and clicking in the vertebrae when turning the head, and sometimes a slight tingling sensation in the shoulders. Over time, the symptoms increase and the intensity of the pain increases.
Pain syndrome is the main manifestation of osteochondrosis. Pain in the neck when turning the head can be dull, constant, or sharp with lumbago under the back of the head. The entire neck area or the projection surface of the modified vertebra, as well as the collarbone, shoulder, shoulder blade, and heart area, can hurt. Restriction of head movement due to pain often occurs in the morning after sleeping in an uncomfortable position.
The disease causes compression of the roots of the peripheral nerves (radicular syndrome) and causes pain in the course of these nerves. Perhaps numbness of the hands or fingers, sensory disorders in certain areas of the skin that are innervated by the pinched nerve.
Based on a few characteristic symptoms, it can be assumed which vertebrae are affected:
- C1 - violation of sensitivity in the back of the head;
- C2 - pain in the back of the head and crown of the head;
- C3 - decreased sensitivity and pain in the half of the neck where the spinal nerve was injured, possibly impaired sensitivity of the tongue, impaired speech due to loss of control of the tongue;
- C4 - sensory disturbances and pain in the shoulder and shoulder area, decreased tone of the head and neck muscles, possible breathing disorders, liver and heart pain;
- C5 - pain and impaired sensitivity in the outer surface of the shoulder;
- C6 - pain extending from the neck to the shoulder blade, forearm, outer surface of the shoulder, radial surface of the forearm to the thumb of the hand;
- C7 - pain spreading from the neck to the shoulder blade, back of the shoulder, forearm to the II-IV fingers of the hand, impaired sensitivity in this area.
- C8 - Pain and sensory disturbances spread from the neck to the shoulder, from the forearm to the little finger.
Clicks or crunches in neck movements almost always accompany cervical osteochondrosis, which is observed in every patient. The crunch occurs during a sharp turn of the head or a throw back.
Syndromes due to cervical osteochondrosis
The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are grouped together as syndromes. Their presence and severity may indicate a pathology in the cervical spine with a certain localization.
A group of common syndromes:
- Vegetative-dystonic syndrome. Subluxation of the first vertebra of the cervical spine with dislocation can lead to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. VSD is not a clear diagnosis because there are no pronounced symptoms. Neurological signs, symptoms of impaired cerebral blood flow, increase in intracranial pressure, muscle spasms may occur. This reduces the patient's complaints to dizziness, reduced visual acuity, unconsciousness, headache and nausea.
- Irritant and reflexive. Burning and stabbing pain in the back of the head and neck, sometimes returning in the chest and shoulder, occurring at the time of a change in head and neck position with sneezing and a sharp turn of the head.
- Radicular. Other than called cervical radiculitis, it combines symptoms associated with an injury to the nerve roots of the cervical vertebrae. Characterized by "chills" in the affected area, tingling in the fingers, forearms, pasty skin, spread to certain fingers.
- Heart. Almost the same picture in angina pectoris often leads to incorrect diagnosis and treatment. The syndrome occurs due to irritation of the phrenic nerve receptors, partially engaging the pericardium and pectoralis major muscle. So cramps in the heart area are more reflexive, like a reaction to irritation of the cervical nerves.
- Vertebral artery syndrome. It develops directly both with compression of the artery itself and with irritation of the sympathetic nerve plexus that is around it. The pain in this pathology is burning or throbbing in the back of the head with spread to the temples, eyebrow arches, crown. Occurs on both one and both sides. Patients usually associate exacerbation with the condition after sleeping in an unphysiological position, traveling in transportation, walking. If symptoms are severe, hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, increased blood pressure are possible.
The non-specificity and a large number of different accompanying symptoms of this disease make diagnosis and further treatment difficult, as some of them can indicate completely different diseases.

As with any diagnosis in medicine, the diagnosis of osteochondrosis is made on the basis of the patient's complaints, medical history, clinical examination, and auxiliary scientific methods. The x-ray of the cervical spine is carried out in frontal and lateral projections, if necessary in special positions (with the mouth open). At the same time, specialists are interested in the height of the intervertebral discs, the presence of osteophytes.
Modern research methods use NMR and CT examinations, which allow the most accurate verification of the diagnosis. In addition to the additional research methods listed, you may need to consult related specialists (cardiologist, ophthalmologist, neurosurgeon), and an examination by a neurologist is simply essential. A neurologist is engaged in the treatment of osteochondrosis, so after examining the patient, at his own discretion, he will prescribe the minimum necessary examination.
How to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
Complex treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can include the following traditional and non-traditional methods: drug treatment, massage, acupressure, manual therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, folk remedies, etc.
The main treatment regimen for osteochondrosis is the same for all localizations of this disease:
- First of all, you need to relieve pain.
- Then the swelling is removed.
- At this stage it is necessary to normalize blood circulation.
- Strengthening the muscle corset.
- Improvement of nutrition and tissue regeneration.
The list of drugs and drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home is very extensive:
- Anti-inflammatory (steroid). These are hormonal drugs that reduce inflammation, thereby eliminating pain. Most often, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, tablets and ointments based on the substances hydrocortisone, prednisolone or dexamethasone are used;
- Analgesics (non-steroidal pain relievers). They are usually prescribed as tablets or capsules. It should be remembered that most of these drugs are irritating to the lining of the digestive tract. Among the modern drugs for pain relief in osteochondrosis;
- Muscle relaxants are drugs that relax muscle tone. They are used in surgery and orthopedics as an aid for pain relief. These drugs are administered parenterally and therefore always under medical supervision. There is an extensive list of contraindications;
- Chondroprotectors are preparations that contain substances that replace cartilage components - chondroitin, hyaluronic acid. In order to achieve a lasting positive effect, such drugs must be taken for a very long time;
- Ointments and gels for external use. This is the most accessible group of drugs for home use. They are divided into anti-inflammatory, warming and pain relievers. Such funds are often advertised. With cervical osteochondrosis, not all ointments are effective, moreover, due to their availability, they are sometimes used inappropriately and without taking into account the specifics of the pathogenesis.
- Vitamins. With osteochondrosis, vitamins are prescribed that have a positive effect on the peripheral nervous system and improve conductivity. Water-soluble vitamins: B1, B6, B12, fat-soluble vitamins: A, C, D, E. In recent years, combination preparations containing both pain relievers and vitamin components have been prescribed more and more often. An effective preparation consists of B vitamins based on pyridoxine and thiamine and an anesthetic.

Only a team of good specialists can choose the most suitable therapy, which includes a neurologist, physical therapist, masseur, surgeon and vertebral neurologist.
physical therapy
Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis should be performed outside of an acute exacerbation. The greatest efficiency of this technique is during the recovery phase. There should be no discomfort and pain during the execution of the complex!
- Exercise # 1 Lie on your stomach, put your hands on the floor, raise your head and torso, your back should be straight. Remain in this position for 1-2 minutes. Slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 2-3 times.
- Exercise number 2: Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, turn your head to the left, try to touch the floor with your ear, then turn your head to the right. Repeat 6-7 times in each direction.
- Exercise number 3 While seated, bend forward as you inhale and try to touch your head to your chest, then exhale, bend back and tilt your head back. Repeat 10-15 times.
- Exercise # 4 While seated, place your palms on your forehead, apply pressure to your forehead with your palms, and your forehead to your palms. Continue this exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
- Exercise number 5 Slowly turn your head one way first, then the other. 10 turns in each direction. Watch out for dizziness. When it appears, the exercise will stop.

Massage can be done at home, but very carefully so as not to aggravate and harm the patient. The patient should be in a lying position with their forehead resting on their hands and their chin extended toward their chest. In this case, the neck muscles should be completely relaxed.
- Stroke. It is necessary to begin the massage with these movements: stroking the collar zone in the direction from the lymph to the supraclavicular and axillary nodes. Then flat and comb-like strokes are applied.
- Pushups. To perform push-ups, the masseur places one hand over the neck (index and thumb should be together) and moves down the spine. Push-ups can also be performed with the palm of the hand up to the shoulder joints.
- Trituration. Rubbing is done to warm up the muscles, relax them, and improve blood flow to the area. Massage should start at the base of the skull and use your fingers to make circular and straight movements. You can also make sawing movements with palms parallel to the ribs.
- Knead. Kneading should be done on the neck in circular movements.
- Vibration. The massage ends with strokes and vibrations that are carried out with the help of shaking and hitting.

Massage is necessary to strengthen muscle tone and relieve pain. Depending on the stage at which the osteochondrosis is, a massage technique is selected. Nevertheless, in neck massage, specialists use all the techniques of classic massage: rubbing, stroking, kneading, etc. In cases where the patient has pain in the neck area only on one side, the massage begins in the healthy part of the neck and gradually moves to the part of the neckCollar zone where severe pain sensations occur.
Manual therapy
Manual therapy helps with both acute and chronic pain, it also increases the range of motion and improves posture well. The main methods of manual therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

- Relaxing and segmental massage. It is used to warm up muscles and relieve tension.
- Mobilization. Effects aimed at restoring the functions of the joints. by stretching method.
- Manipulation. A sharp push aimed at the patient's pathological areas. The procedure is accompanied by a characteristic crunch (return of the joint to its normal position).
A specialist practicing manual therapy should be fluent in these techniques. Otherwise, any mistake could result in personal injury.
Orthopedic pillows

Orthopedic sleeping pillows are an effective preventive measure. In many cases, osteochondrosis is made worse by additional compression of the carotid artery and nerve roots when sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow. The orthopedic product ensures that people are in an even, horizontal position during sleep, thereby ensuring a physiologically adequate blood supply to the brain.
When choosing a pillow, one should take into account the individual anatomical features of a person and correlate them with the volume and properties of the filler. A properly selected pillow will bring tangible benefits to a patient with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
physical therapy
Physiotherapeutic procedures for cervical osteochondrosis:

- Electrophoresis. Should be used with pain relievers (anesthetics) that are injected under the skin using electronic pulses
- Ultrasonic. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the tissues of the cervical spine, due to which swelling is removed, pain disappears.
- Magnetic Therapy. A safe treatment method that exposes damaged cells to a low-frequency magnetic field. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect
- Laser therapy. Improves blood circulation in the affected area, relieves tissue swelling, pain.
Physiotherapeutic procedures have a beneficial effect on intervertebral discs and vertebrae in cervical osteochondrosis. When combined with the use of medication, combined treatment will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease. The interventions are carried out in a hospital or specialized practices in polyclinics. Before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor, determine the duration of physical therapy and types. It is strictly forbidden to happen during an exacerbation.
Shants collar

The Shants collar is a soft and comfortable device that attaches to the back with Velcro and is used for cervical osteochondrosis. But not for treatment, but for temporary relaxation and alleviation of tiredness. It cannot be worn without taking it off, otherwise the neck muscles will no longer work and will soon atrophy. With the right choice of the Shants collar, the patient feels comfortable and protected.
The collar is selected strictly according to size in the pharmacy or orthopedic store. Better in the store, because the people who work there usually know their business and the product features very well and can therefore help in individual cases.
Home remedies
If the pain from osteochondrosis of the spine becomes unbearable and regular, then you will agree to everything to stop it, and here the traditional complex treatment is successfully supplemented with alternative methods.
- insist on celery root (5 grams per 1 liter of boiling water) for 4 hours, drink a tablespoon before each meal;
- Honey compress, for which we take 2 tsp. Honey and 1 tablet mummy. We heat the components in a water bath, spread them on a cloth and apply to the neck area, that is, the neck, at night;
- I grow horseradish in the countryside when I have acute pain. I just wash its sheet, pour boiling water over it, cool it down a little, put it on my neck and wrap it in a thin scarf for the night - in the morning you can live and work;
- we insist that chamomile flowers are soaked in vegetable oil for two days, brought to a boil (for 500 ml of oil, 30 grams of a plant is needed), rub into sore spots;
- Honey-potato compress also helps, for this the root crop must be grated and mixed with honey in the same amount, applied to a large neck at night, applied regularly, at least once a week.
As usual, proper prophylaxis will help prevent osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but of course all physical exercises must be done regularly, otherwise "periodic" exercises will not be of much benefit.
It remains to remember simple rules:
- Eat more foods high in calcium and magnesium. These are fish, peas, legumes, nuts, cheese, herbs, but it is better to avoid sugar, flour, smoked, spicy foods.
- Regularly engaging in sports, especially swimming, aqua aerobics, gymnastics for stretching and mobility of the vertebrae, is also suitable for the prevention of osteochondrosis, which can be practiced at home.
- During sedentary work, perform a special series of exercises at least a few times a day, an example of which can be seen in the video.
- Choose a good orthopedic mattress and a pillow that is ideal for the neck and in a dream will support the head in the correct anatomical position (yes, your favorite huge down pillows will not go away if you have problems with your spine! ).
If you already have such a diagnosis, then the patient should spare his spine, namely:
- Be very careful when lifting and carrying weights, it is better to go to the store twice than pulling heavy bags with both hands, which will put an incredible strain on your neck and shoulder girdle.
- Do not overcool, avoid drafts and the flow of cold air from the air conditioner (some people like to cool off on a hot day by standing with their back to the fan);
- When you bend your body forward, you think of osteochondrosis;
- Avoid local overheating of the muscles, which can happen to those who like an excessively hot bath;
- Do not forget to detach yourself from the monitor regularly, to change the position of your body, not to sit for hours or even days.
- Rest Your Neck For Which You Need To Buy A Shants Choker;
- If possible, if the condition of the cardiovascular system allows, take a steam bath.
In conclusion, I want to say that a child at risk of osteochondrosis (father and mother already have it) and an adult who acquired the disease in the course of life are simply obliged to take preventive measures so as not to become disabled and not tolying on the operating table, as this operation is rather difficult and requires long-term rehabilitation. In addition, this is not always possible as there are inoperable cases. Therefore, it is better to protect health from an early age, as long as the intervertebral discs are intact and unnecessary growths do not squeeze the blood vessels.